github commands

Installation of Git

chinna@debian:~$ su
Password: **********
root@debian:/home/chinna# apt-get install git

Setting up your Git Profile :-

root@debian:/home/chinna# git config --global "seleniumlearn"
root@debian:/home/chinna# git congig --global ""

Create a new local repository :-

root@debian:/home/chinna# git init

Checkout a repository/Downloading to github to your local machine :-

root@debian:/home/chinna# git clone

Goto checkout path/Download path :-

edit any changes  or add some thing on your project  
ex :

Add files  to the project  repository:- 

root@debian:/home/chinna# git add filename or git add *
ex:- git add seleniumlearn.txt

Commit files  to the project  repository:- 

root@debian:/home/chinna# git commit -m "Commit message/ Discription of changes/anything you can write here "

Pushing changes:- 

root@debian:/home/chinna# git push origin master